Eric Sloane Museum Kent, Connecticut

A painting of clouds in the sky over an open field.
Vestibule of the Eric Sloane Museum in Kent, Connecticut

A photo of the vestibule of the newly finished Sloane-Stanley Museum (as it was then called) in 1969. The winnowing tray, flail, wooden shovel, and sickle appear in the painting that Eric hung on the wall. The painting must have had singular significance to him – it was the first and, at the time, the only painting hung in the museum.
From my book “Symbols of American Spirit: 50 Years of the Eric Sloane Museum”. 53 Years ago this month, the Sloane-Stanley Museum opened it’s doors to the public. We will continue to post some history of the museum and how it came to be, leading up to the July 2, 2022 celebration to be held on the grounds of the Eric Sloane Museum in Kent.